Imanuel Wallpaper are proud to say we have the largest selection of wallpaper and borders (14,000 patterns). modern, classic, contemporary and romantic collections.
Price All our products are of the highest quality and competitive prices! In fact, we believe we offer the cheapest prices available.
Finding A Wallpaper We sell a wide range of wallpapers and if you have difficulty locating a particular style to suit your needs then why not give us a phone on (+628) 3119568289.
When choosing your wallpaper decide where the focal point of your room is going to be. Be careful when experimenting with a brave pattern. Too much in a small room can make it look even more cramped. Instead, use the bold pattern on one wall and add some simple art hangings and pictures. Not only will it make that wall stand out and bring a focus, but it will also make the room look bigger.
If you have a minimalist style in your lounge, for example, try an embossed, textured bold print wallpaper. Your furniture, soft furnishings and accessories are kept to a minimum, but your wallpaper is loud. This creates a clean fresh look, without leaving your room looking too plain and un-lived in